(Trailer) Aelita Andre 'Prodigy of Colour' with SKIRA
조지 와이드너 - CBS Sunday Morning
조지 와이드너 - 디스커버리 채널/ George Widener: Indigenous Mind, Discovery Channel
리코 마레스카 갤러리와 조지 와이드너/ Ricco/Maresca Gallery with George Widener
조지 와이드너 - 존 마이클 콜러 아트 센터/ George Widener, John Michael Kohler Arts Center
Purvis Young of Overtown
Purvis Young Museum
워킹하우스뉴욕 - 세계천재들의 작품 전시 전문관
Virtual Artist Studio Visit with KVG
Aelita Andre - Welcome To My Secret Universe
Mini Documentary: Aelita Andre and James Warhola in Chengdu
Aelita Andre - Prodigy of Color Exhibition
in New York City
9-Year-Old Abstract Painter Aelita Andre Opens Solo Show in Famed Museum
PAINTING LIVE: 'United Frosty Fire Worlds Of Cosmic
Aelita Andre: Soundpaintings Performance in the Russian Academy of Fine Arts Museum, 2016
Interview with Patrick Hughes -Scott Richards Contemporary Art, SUPERSPECTIVISION 2008
Patrick Hughes: Superspectivism -Studio International, 2013
Patrick Hughes - Reverse Perspective Paintings