Timothy Schmitz

티모시 슈미츠  (b. 1964)

미국 미네폴리스 작가 티모시 슈미츠 (Timothy Schmitz)의 작품에는 묵상의 아름다움이 있다. 슈미츠는 도예가로서 미술계에 입문해 산타페에 위치한 류알랜(LewAllen) 갤러리의 주목을 받았으며 1995년 첫 개인전을 선보였다. 오브제 표면에 대한 연구와 재료에 대한 관심이 이어져 2차원과 3차원의 경계를 넘나드는 작업을 하기 시작했다. 그는 항상 전통적인 방법에서 역발상하여  실험적인 작업을 해왔고 작품 과정 자체를 중시한다.

수없이 많은 재료 탐구와 질감 표현은 재료의 고유함을 꾸밈없이 보여주기 시작했고 관객을 작품 속으로 끌어당기는 힘을 형성해 냈다. 그림이나 조각, 어느 하나로만 분류할 수 없는 자체발광 작품 시리즈는 작품 속 깊이와 색(色) 공간을 구현해 키네틱 효과를 준다. 서로 다른 물성들이 결합된 이미지는 단색을 강조한 것이 아니라 하나의 색을 빛의 의도적 메커니즘으로 보여줌으로써 다채(多彩)롭고 추상적 발상을 유도한 것이다.

형용의 기능을 했던 색(色)이 ‘주변의 것’이 아니라 그 자체(itself)가 됨으로써 주제가 된다. 기계가 만든 표면과 인간이 다듬은 질감 표현은 흔하지 않은 구성으로 조화롭고 절제된 미를 보여준다. 외부 시각 요소를 최소화해 본질에 충실한 오브제는 겸손하고 고요해 명상적 통찰력을 가능하게 한다.

Timothy Schmitz creates objects of beauty and contemplation. Schmitz initiated himself into the art world as a ceramicist. The unique forms of his ceramic vessels and objects combined with highly process oriented finishes, earned the attention of LewAllen galleries, which presented his first solo exhibition in 1995. The success of this work along with his interest in surfaces has led the artist to begin working with two-dimensional and three-dimensional works.

Highly process-oriented, he has always experimented with non-traditional methods. Schmitz suggests the myriad of materials he currently works with lend itself, technically, to a much wider field of experimentation, to create luminescent pieces defying classification as either painting or sculpture.

Schmitz recent work is minimalist in concept but complex in technique. His art is distinguished by its uncommon compositional harmonies and understated expressiveness. Suffused in his work is a refined sense of the Japanese aesthetic notion that beauty comes from the visually modest and humble. There is a quiet grace in his current work, a purging of the extraneous and a reduction to visual essence. The overall effect is of luminous structures with shifting and floating compositions of light, color, and idea, which fuse together in these elegant orchestrations of surface. The luminescence and reductive elegance of his work still the mind and enable contemplative insight transcending simple intellectual conception.

Actively collected, both nationally and internationally, his work has been featured in significant museum shows, gallery exhibitions, and is in numerous corporate and private collections across the country. He continues to work prolifically in Minneapolis, MN.

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # P L V, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 001


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # M G Y, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 002


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # C Y O, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

40.6 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm

TS 003


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L B V, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 004


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # V Y G, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

40.6 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm

TS 005


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # P L V, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 006


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # O L Y, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 007

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # W T B, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

40.6 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm

TS 008


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # Y L S, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 009

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L B P, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 010

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # B L S, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 011


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L V T, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

30.5 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 012

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # O P S, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 013


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L S P, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 014

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # P C L, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

40.6 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm

TS 015


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L G B, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

40.6 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm

TS 016


Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # V Y S, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 017

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # P O V, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

30.5 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 018

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L P V, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 40.6 x 7.6 cm

TS 019

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # P V S, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

50.8 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 020

Timothy Schmitz

SLAB # L G Y, 2021

Cast resin, polypropylene, pigment inkjet skins

30.5 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm

TS 021




Galerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Germany

Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM


"Lately" Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

"Monochromos" Galerie Biesenbach, Cologne, Germany

LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM


"Nouveau" Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

"Small Works Show" Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

2018, LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

2017, LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM


LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ


LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ


LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ


“Six Rising Stars” LewAllen Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ

LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

2012, LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

2011, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


“When Things Surface” solo, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

2009, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

2008, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


“Luminosity” solo, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA


LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA


“Intimate Abstractions” LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA


“Surface and Structure” LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

“Modes and Methods” Amarillo Museum of Fine Art, Amarillo, TX

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA


“Small Works” Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA


“Grids” LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Gumps, San Francisco, CA


LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM 

Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA

Gumps, San Francisco, CA


LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM    

Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA

Gumps, San Francisco, CA


“Enduring Form” LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

“Materia”, The Hand and The Spirit, Scottsdale, AZ

Gallery 801, Minneapolis, MN

Gumps, San Francisco, CA
Featured article, Focus Santa Fe Magazine, Santa Fe, NM

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


“Pedestals and Stretchers” Solo Show LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Gallery 801, Minneapolis, MN
The Clay Place, Pittsburg, PA
Joanne Rapp, The Hand and The Spirit, Scottsdale, AZ

LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


Solo Show, The Clay Place, Pittsburg, PA                                               

Joanne Rapp, The Hand and The Spirit, Scottsdale, AZ

"Form and Texture” Cline LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Art Center Gallery, Warrensburg, MO
Cline LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


“Fine Art of Craft” Horwitch LewAllen Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Joanne Rapp Gallery, The Hand and The Spirit, Scottsdale, AZ

Marilyn Butler Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL

“Planetary Renaissance” Shukantala’s Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

Horwitch LewAllen, Santa Fe, NM


Horwitch LewAllen Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Marilyn Butler Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
“New Form” Solo Show, Horwitch LewAllen, Santa Fe, NM


Clay and Fiber Gallery, Taos, NM
Santa Fe Council for The Arts, Aura Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Adieb Khadoure, Santa Fe, NM

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