Jeremy Thomas

제레미 토마스 (b. 1973)

제레미 토마스는 주로 공기와 색상으로 작업한다. 그는 공기로 색채와 금속 오브제를 정의하는 과정을 개발하기 위해 노력했다.

"지난 17년 동안 저는 강철의 오브제를 부풀리는 데에 집중했습니다. 그 시간 동안, 제가 공기를 통해 작품을 만드는 것에 대한 이유가 바뀌었습니다. 단지 금속 조각가로서의 제 과정을 보는 것에서 우리가 숨 쉬는 환경과 공기 그 자체에 대한 탐구로 발전했습니다. 공기는 우리 모두가 경험하는 것이지만 정의하기는 어렵습니다. 일시적이고 무형적인 공기의 특성은 파악하기 어렵습니다. 공기를 호흡하는 행위는 생명을 유지하는 지속적인 화학 반응입니다. 공기는 각 호흡을 통해 우리 주변 환경에 영향을 미치면서 서로 다른 모든 생명체와 물리적으로 연결하는 것 중 하나입니다. 한 사람이 내쉬는 것은 다른 사람이 쉬는 것, 말이 없는 친밀한 교환입니다.

공기는 압력과 부피를 통해 측정되고 경험됩니다. 이것은 기후 또는 만연한 조건들을 설정합니다.제 작업은 생명의 기초가 되는 기본 기하학 형태 및 구조에 공기의 이러한 성질을 조합한 시각적 경험입니다.  이 오브제들은 원래 제작된 형태에서 변형됐다기 보다는 부풀려진 것입니다. 각 작품은 작가와 재료 및 공기로 부푸는 매 순간 간의 대화에 따라 다릅니다. 각 주름, 접힘과 부풀어지는 그 순간에 따라 오브제의 물리적 역사를 기록합니다. 오브제가 무작위로 부풀어지며 표면, 형태, 구조, 색상 및 과정 사이에 일련의 관계가 만들어집니다.

현대 사회에서의 색은 마케팅과 이미지의 공급을 통해 개인의 선입견과 소비경제에 영향을 끼치는데 이용됩니다.  이러한 색이 원래의 상업적 맥락에서 벗어나  개인에 의해 사용된다면,  관객은 이미 사회에서 상업적으로 정해진 택스트에서 벗어나, 색 본연의 기질을 경험할 수 있습니다. 이런 경험을 통해 우리는 색에 대한 새로운 경험을 할 수 있으며 기억 속 색에 대한 재발견도 할 수 있습니다. 각 오브제는 시청자가 이러한 추상적인 오브제를 통해 과거 경험을 탐색하고 재해석할 수 있도록 하여 현재 경험과 주변 환경을 연관 시키려 시도합니다."

Jeremy Thomas works primarily with air and color. He has worked to develop his process defining chromatic metal objects with air.

"For the past seventeen years I have focused on inflating steel objects. In that time, my understanding of this and why I do it, has evolved from viewing my process as a metal sculptor, to the exploration of atmosphere and air itself. Air is ethereal, something we experience, yet defining it is difficult. Air’s seemingly temporary, intangible nature is elusive. The act of breathing air is the continuous chemical reaction that sustains our life. Air is one of the things that physically connects us to each other and all other living beings, through each respiration, affecting the atmosphere around each of us. What one exhales, another inhales, making for an unspoken, yet intimate exchange.

Air is measured and experienced through pressure and volume. This sets up a climate or prevailing set of conditions. This work is the visual experience of those conditions as applied to geometric constructs consisting of basic concrete geometry, stemming from the shapes found in the building blocks of life. These objects are grown more than fabricated.  Each work is specific to the dialogue between maker, material and each moment of inflation. Creating a record of the object’s physical history within each crease, fold and mark. Within the random nature of inflation, is set up a series of relationships between surface, form, structure, color, and process.

Within our modern society we are bombarded continuously with color in marketing and imagery to affect our perceptions in our consumer economy. Color is used throughout commercial industry to objectify and manipulate. When these colors are removed from their original commercial contexts and re-appropriated by the individual, we are able to experience them viscerally, outside of these pretexts. This allows for a new experience, or reflection on past experience within the context of our color memory. Each object allows the viewer to explore and evaluate past experience in relation to these abstract objects, attempting to relate them to our current experience and climate."

From Jeremy Thomas Sculpture website

Jeremy Thomas

Anthracene Black, 2020

Steel, powder coat, acrylic 

40 x 83 x 27 cm

JT 016

Jeremy Thomas

Napthalene Blues, 2021

Cold rolled steel and urethane

54.6 x 91.4 x 53.3 cm

JT 034

Jeremy Thomas

Bug Blue, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

40.6 x 49.5 x 43.2 cm

JT 035

Jeremy Thomas

Anthracene Green, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

55.9 x 78.7 x 48.3 cm

JT 036

Jeremy Thomas

Benzene, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

41.9 x 59.2 x 44.5 cm

JT 037

Jeremy Thomas

Aubergine Haze Violet, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

31.8 x 29.2 x 21.6 cm

JT 038

Jeremy Thomas

V W Green, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

30.5 x 33.8 x 30.5 cm

JT 039

Jeremy Thomas

Carbon Blue, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

17.8 x 33 x 22.9 cm

JT 040

Jeremy Thomas

Carbon Red, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

21.6 x 26.7 x 20.3 cm

JT 041

Jeremy Thomas

Lemon Aid Yellow, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

20.3 x 35.6 x 20.3 cm

JT 042

Jeremy Thomas

Silverado Silver, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

26 x 40.6 x 30.5 cm

JT 043

Jeremy Thomas

Tincup Blue, 2021

Forged cold rolled steel and urethane

29.2 x 45.7 x 31.8 cm

JT 044

Jeremy Thomas

Schafer Yellow, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

71.1  x 86.4 x 109.2 cm

JT 045

Jeremy Thomas

Semi Red, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and vinyl emulsion

45.7 x 28.6 x 18.4 cm

JT 047

Jeremy Thomas

Pondarosa Green, 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and vinyl emulsion

24.1 x 47 x 21.6 cm

JT 048

Jeremy Thomas

Napthalene Blues, 2021

Cold rolled steel and urethane

54.6 x 91.4 x 53.3 cm

JT 049

Jeremy Thomas

Napthalene Blues, 2021

Cold rolled steel and urethane

54.6 x 91.4 x 53.3 cm

JT 050

Jeremy Thomas

Napthalene Blues, 2021

Cold rolled steel and urethane

54.6 x 91.4 x 53.3 cm

JT 051

Jeremy Thomas

Flash Green , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

91.4 x 124.5 x 71.1 cm

JT 052

Jeremy Thomas

Celestial Dawn Pink , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

94 x 97.8 x 71.1 cm

JT 053


Jeremy Thomas

Head In The Clouds Violet , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

91.4 x 91.4 x 71.1 cm

JT 054

Jeremy Thomas

Spruce Green , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

91.4 x 86.4 x 71.1 cm

JT 055

Jeremy Thomas

Green , 2021

Cold rolled steel and powder coat

29.2 x 20.3 x 15 cm

JT 057

Jeremy Thomas

Green Blues , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and vinyl emulsion

43.2 x 33 x 18.8 cm

JT 062

Jeremy Thomas

Phenanthene Green , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

30.5 x 38.1 x 25.4 cm

JT 056


Jeremy Thomas

Stihl Orange , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and urethane

22.9 x 27.9 x 29.2 cm

JT 058

Jeremy Thomas

Phenaphthene Blue , 2021

Cold rolled steel and powder coat

35.6 x 45.7 x 35.6 cm

JT 059

Jeremy Thomas

Anthracene Yellow , 2021

Cold rolled steel and powder coat

22.2 x 33 x 30.5 cm

JT 060


Jeremy Thomas

Napthalene Green , 2021

Cold rolled steel and powder coat

33 x 30.5 x 22.9 cm

JT 061

Jeremy Thomas

Amethyst Storm , 2021

Cold rolled steel, powder coat and vinyl emulsion

33 x 33 x 16.5 cm

JT 063




2020, UNTILED, a group show, Galerie Richard, Paris, FR


Airborne, Phoenix Airport Museum, Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, AZ 

Vital Expansions, Galerie Richard, New York, NY

Unintended Consequences, Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM

Structural Consciousness, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Oscillations in Color and Sound, Munich, DE

Places, Liagire, by Tauber Fine Art, Munich, DE

30 Ans, Galerie Richard, Paris, FR

Celebrating 30 Years; part one, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Material Matters, LA-projects, Landshut, DE

Emoding Colour V, Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, DE

In Absence of Color, Bentley Gallery Phoenix, AZ


Spring Break, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Analoge, Galerie Richard, New York, NY

Ecken und Kanten - Edges and Ridges, Galerie Renate Bender, Munich 

Joyful: a group exhibition, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Gocha, Galerie Richard, Paris, FR

Light and Space in the Southwest, Galerie Richard, New York, NY

Great and Small, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM


Heavy Metal, Charlotte Jackson fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Tanked, Galerie Richard, Paris, FR

Nonfunctional Slack-Fill, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

"Sensualminimalphysical", Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, DE

Sleeping Beauty, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Treasure Hunt, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

The Wild West, Galerie Richard, New York, NY

Purple Passion, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM


Grown Cold, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Tanked, Galerie richard, New York, NY

The Quilted Sky, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Art for Art's Sake, Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Museum of Art, Carnegie Museum, Oxnard, CA

Off the Wall, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

50 Shades of Red, Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, DE

Pink Crush, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Zwei Freunde aus Deutschland, Schauraum Multipleart Zurich, CH


Bursting at the Seams, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

Back to Basics: Selections from the Fredrick Wiesman Art Foundation, Fredrick R. Wiesman Museum of Art, Malibu, CA

All That Glitters, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

12 artists 3 dimensions, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

Regularly Speaking, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ

Embodying Colour, Künstlerhaus Metternich, Koblenz, DE


Ditching The Cardigan, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

Highly Sensuous, Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, DE

Heavy Metal, Galerie Renate Bender, Munich, DE

Embodying Colour, Vasarely Muzeum, Budapest, HU

Faszination Farbe, Kunsthaus Furstenfeldbruck, Furstenfeldbruck, DE

Wiendersehen Wiesbaden, Schauraum Multiple Art, Zurich, CH

Art for Art's Sake, Marjorie Barrick Museum, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

Corporate and Public Collections

Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, NY

Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA

Fredrick R. Wiesman Art Foundation, Malibu, CA

J Crew, London, UK

Kunstsammlung F. Hoffman-LaRoche AG, Basel, CH

New Mexico Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM

Quartz Mountain Arts and Conference Center, Lone Wolf, OK (destroyed by fire)

University of Arkansas Fort Smith, Fort Smith, AR

Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, AZ

W. C. Bradley Corporation

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