길 배틀 (b. 1962)
길 배틀(Gil Batle)은 샌프란시스코에서 필리핀인 부모님 아래에서 나고 자랐으며, 20년간 5개의 캘리포니아 감옥에서 사기, 위조 죄로 수감되었으며 현재는 필리핀의 작은 섬에서 지내고 있다. 배틀이 독학으로 얻게 된 그림 실력은 정교하고 은밀한 타투 스킬로 발전하여 San Quentin, Chuckawalla,, 그리고 “글래디에이터 스쿨”이라고 불행한 전문가들 사이에 알려진 Jamestown 같은 감옥에서의 갱단의 살인적인 폭력으로부터 자신을 보호할 수 있는 수단이 되었다.
Bloods, Crips, Aryan Brotherhood 등의 갱들이 인종적으로 분리된 감옥 안에서 협박과 위협으로 군림하는 동안 배틀의 그림 시설은 살인자, 마약상, 그리고 무장 강도들에게 마법 같은 공간으로 여겨졌고 그들의 이야기는 깨지기 쉬운 타조알 위에 세밀하게 조각되었다.
그는 “나는 그때 그 감정을 느끼기 위해 (정신적으로) 다시 그 감옥으로 돌아갈 수밖에 없다.”라며 “알에서 눈을 떼어 내가 더 이상 그곳에 없다는 사실을 깨달을 때면 감사함에 안도감이 들곤 한다.”라고 말한다.
교도소 내 폭력에 관한 기사는 매주 올라오고 있지만, 배틀의 구체의 조각품(각각 철책선, 철조망, 수갑 테두리로 나눠진 픽토리얼 패널로 구성되어 있다.)에 기록된 잔혹한 현실에 비하면 한낱 ‘묘사’에 불과하다 . 그가 알던 폭력적인 남성들, 비극적인 실수로 인해 감금된 평범한 남자들, 그가 마주해야 했던 끔찍한 광경들, 그리고 최악의 상황들에서 형성된 끈끈한 유대감들이 깨끗한 알(가장 완벽한 창조물이자 생명과 탄생의 징표)의 표면에 정교하게 새겨져 있다.
* Norman Brosterman의 “Hatched in Prison” 2015 전시 보도자료에서 발췌
Gil Batle was born and raised in San Francisco to Filipino parents, in and out of five different California prisons over 20 years for fraud and forgery, now living on a small island in the Philippines. Batle’s self-taught drawing ability evolved behind bars into sophisticated and clandestine tattooing skills that protected him from murderous gang violence in prisons such as San Quentin, Chuckawalla, and Jamestown— the “Gladiator School,” as it’s known to the unfortunate cognoscenti.
Where Bloods, Crips, and Aryan Brotherhood gang-bangers in racially segregated cell-blocks rule with intimidation and threat, Batle’s facility for drawing was considered magic by the murderers, drug dealers, and armed robbers whose stories he now recounts in minutely carved detail on fragile ostrich egg shells.
“I actually have to go back (mentally) to prison to capture that feel of being inside that place,” writes the artist. “It’s a relieve of gratitude when I look up from the egg and I’m reminded that I’m not in there anymore.”
Articles about prison abuse appear weekly in the press, but are mere snapshots of the hard truth chronicled in Batle’s orb-like relief carvings; each with an architecture of pictorial panels supported and separated by a fine lattice of chain-link fencing, razor-wire, or carved hand-cuffs. The violent men he knew, the sad mistakes that sometimes led to the incarceration of regular guys, the terrifying events he witnessed, and the bonds formed under the worst conditions, all appear with precise detail on pristine eggshells, nature’s most perfect creation and manifestation of life and birth.
*Based on the press release for the exhibition “Hatched in Prison” (2015) by Norman Brosterman.
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle-Prison Freedom @WHNY Busan gallery
Gil Batle
Panderer, 2016
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 001
Gil Batle
Queens, 2016
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 002
Gil Batle
Abducted, 2017
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 003
Gil Batle
Refuge, 2019
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 004
Gil Batle
Time Killer, 2016
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 005
Gil Batle
Lechon, 2016
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 006
Gil Batle
Voices, 2017
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 007
Gil Batle
Kite Deck, 2017
Carved Ostrich Egg
16.5 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm
GB 008
Gil Batle
T Bull, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 015
Gil Batle
A Knight, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 014
Gil Batle
3 Owl/OG (old gangster), 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 009
Gil Batle
V Nazi/Octopus, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 010
Gil Batle
Ace of Clubs, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 011
Gil Batle
5 Eyeball/barbec Wire, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 012
Gil Batle
8 Sword Swallower, 2017
Graphite on cardboard
10.2 x 7 cm
GB 013
Gil Batle
Sanctuary, 2018
Ink and graphite on paper
121 x 188 cm
GB 016
Gil Batle
Cell Phone, 2018
Graphite and ink on paper
25.4 x 91.4 cm
GB 017
Ricco/Maresca Gallery New York, NY
Solo Exhibition
Independent Art Fair NY, Rocco/Maresca Gallery, New York, NY
“Re-Formed” Ricco/Maresca Gallery New York, NY
“Hatched in Prison: Ricco/Maresca Gallery New York, NY
Group Exhibition
“The Pencil is a Key: The Drawing center New York, NY
“The O.G. Experience: The Soze Agency with HBO New York, NY
“Beside Myself” JTT Gallery New York, NY
Ayla Myseym; curaed by Frederico de Vera Makati City, Phhillippines
“YUMM!” American Visionary Art Museum Baltimore, MD
- 21c Museum Hotels
- William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation
- Rose Art Museum-Brandeis University
- Memorial Art Gallery-University of Rochester