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Aelita Andre X SKIRA

Aelita Andre's First Retrospective Monograph


Aelita Andre, the youngest professional painter, is publishing a retrospective monograph titled "Prodigy of Colour" through the renowned art book publisher SKIRA.

Founded in 1928 by Alberto Skira, SKIRA is currently based in Italy and gained fame in the art book history by publishing a new etching by Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, attracting attention from the art world. With its quality, editing, and design that match the slogan "Art outside the museum," SKIRA has maintained its reputation as a global art publisher to this day.

Rosa Maria Falvo, the editor and curator of Aelita Andre's "Prodigy of Colour" retrospective, is also an Asian contemporary art expert who participated in the publication of a monograph on Korean monochrome painter Park Seo-Bo's "Ecriture."

NFT platform MetaKu and Working House New York collaborate to release Aelita Andre's retrospective monograph "Prodigy of Colour" in Korea, and customers who purchase it will receive a special "1000 limited edition signed NFT" from the artist for free through an airdrop.

Aelita Andre's First Retrospective Monograph


Customers who purchase Aelita Andre's retrospective monograph will receive a special NFT with the artist's signature through an airdrop.

Please follow the instructions below to purchase the monograph and receive the NFT!

How to Purchase the Monograph

Price: ₩72,000

1.  Please deposit ₩72,000 through the "Buy" button below (PayPal).

2. Enter the product and buyer information, the shipping address to receive the product, and the digital wallet to receive NFT through the button below.

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